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Calculation table

Number of repayments per borrowing amount

This table provides an overview of the total number of repayments, the last repayment amount, the total payment amount and total interest only when paying the monthly repayment (5,000 yen) after borrowing.

Unit: Yen

Borrowing Amount Total Number of Repayments Last Repayment Amount Total Payment Amount Total Interest
3 186 10,186 186
20,000 5 635 20,635 635
30,000 7 1,357 31,357 1,357
40,000 9 2,371 42,371 2,371
11 3,684 53,684 3,684
60,000 14 318 65,318 5,318
70,000 16 2,302 77,302 7,302
80,000 18 4,641 89,641 9,641
90,000 21 2,373 102,373 12,373
100,000 24 506 115,506 15,506
  • Calculated with an annual interest rate of 15% and a monthly period of 30 days.
  • The actual calculation may vary slightly depending on the day of the borrowing transaction and the repayment date.

Interest per the borrowing amount and number of days

This table provides an overview of the interest that incurs per the borrowing amount and the number of days after borrowing.

Unit: Yen

Borrowing Amount Borrowing Term
1 3 5 7 10 20 30
10,000 4 12 20 28 41 82 123
20,000 8 24 41 57 82 164 246
30,000 12 36 61 86 123 246 369
40,000 16 49 82 115 164 328 493
50,000 20 61 102 143 205 410 616
60,000 24 73 123 172 246 493 739
70,000 28 86 143 201 287 575 863
80,000 32 98 164 230 328 657 986
90,000 36 110 184 258 369 739 1,109
100,000 41 123 205 287 410 821 1,232
  • The interest is calculated based on an annual interest rate of 15%.
  • The actual calculation may vary slightly depending on the day of the borrowing transaction and the repayment date.