
Supporting the TCFD recommendations

Seven Bank recognizes climate change as a top issue within our sustainability management program. We endorsed the TCFD recommendations in December 2021 to provide stakeholders with better information on climate-related risks and opportunities and their potential impacts on our business and financials. We also joined the Japan TCFD Consortium, and are working to assess the impacts of climate change on our business and raise our corporate value through improved disclosure practices.


Climate change-related risks and opportunities, etc. are deliberated by the Sustainability Committee, chaired by the offi cer in charge of SDGs promotion and the Risk Management Committee, and a system has been put in place to refer and report important matters to the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors.


We will begin to identify short-, medium-, and long-term risks and opportunities related to climate changes, and analyze impacts of the risks and opportunities on the business, strategies, and fi nancial plans of organizations, as well as their scenario analysis during FY2022. In and after FY2023, we will gradually proceed with information disclosure about the above.

Risk Management

Climate change-related risks are regarded as one of management material issues. Increased frequency of natural disasters such as torrential rains, disasters, and fl oods may damage the Seven Bank’s facilities including ATMs. If this happens, it may disrupt the Bank’s operating activities, and if the impact is prolonged, economic activities may be restricted and the number of ATM transactions may decrease, which could affect the Bank’s profi tability.

Indicators and Targets

In order to hand down the rich global environment to future generations, Seven & i Group is working together with all employees of the Group companies to achieve the targets set in the environmental declaration “GREEN CHALLENGE 2050.”
In “GREEN CHALLENGE 2050,” Seven Bank has been proactively working on net zero CO2 emissions from store operation as the vision for 2050, together with the Group companies.
Seven Bank has also been establishing a system to quantitatively grasp environmental burdens, for example, calculating annual CO2 emissions arising from its business activities.