Materiality 4

Reduction of environmental burden

Contributions to SDGs
  • エネルギーをみんなに そしてクリーンに
  • 産業と技術革新の基盤をつくろう
  • つくる責任 つかう責任
  • 気候変動に具体多岐な対策を

By working on this Materiality, Seven Bank will contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 7, 9, 12 and 13 through the promotion of reducing environmental burden and activities to preserve natural environment.

Changes in the society and associated issues as seen by Seven Bank

Environmental problems and the deterioration of biodiversity around the world is a serious issue that significantly impacts the future of a company’s business such as resources and economy. In particular, climate change risks can be a serious threat that impacts future generations, causing rises in sea level, increase in abnormal weather and affects agriculture and fishing industries, and therefore it is necessary to strengthen initiatives to reduce the burden on the environment.

Changes in Seven Bank and its approach to the issue

Seven Bank will work on the reduction of environmental burden through offering of financial services that incorporate technological innovation and promote improvement in employees’ environmental awareness and activities to preserve the natural environment in cooperation with its group companies.

Reducing CO2 emmissions

Fourth-generation ATM

The fourth-generation ATM realized an approx.40% reduction in energy consumption compared to the third-generation ATM, which had reduced approx.48% in energy consumption and CO2 emissions compared to the second-generation ATM.
Under the concept of “ATM+”, the fourth-generation ATM aimed to not only improve features and performance but also to contribute even better to society and the environment so as to meet broader customers’ and social needs. The first target set was a 50% reduction in power consumption compared to the third-generation ATM. At the same time, the fourth-generation ATM aimed to provide customers new values, in addition to cash deposits and withdrawals, in order to realize an ATM in a better version of daily life. It is equipped with a lot of new services and functions, such as facial recognition, reading functions for Individual Number Cards and drivers licenses, etc., as well as Bluetooth. Adoption of high-performance components to fully use such functions contradicts the reduction in energy consumption. While mounting the high-performance components, we faced a high hurdle on achievement of the target of reduction in energy consumption. However, we never gave up and continued to take on a challenge together with business partners, and finally achieved the target.

Reducing ATM Slip Waste

By enhancing a guidance function on the ATM screen, we eliminated the slips that were previously automatically issued when an incorrect PIN was entered or when there was an insufficient account balance.
These measures resulted in an annual reduction of around 20 million slips in FY2021.

Reducing Frequency of ATM Cash Transportation

A security company must transport cash by vehicle when replenishing an ATM. The security company reduces CO2 emissions from transporting cash by analyzing the usage of each ATM separately and reducing the frequency of cash transportation. In addition, we achieve stable, efficient operation of ATMs in 7-Eleven stores by putting cash from store sales proceeds into their ATMs.

Reducing Waste Generation

Longer service life of ATMs and 3R

For ATMs, we have proactively introduced recycled materials and adopted an easy-to-maintain structure, etc. from a design phase. In the event of defects, we perform parts replacement and maintenance and make other efforts to extend its life.

When remodeling or closing a 7-Eleven store, or when putting in a new fourth-generation ATM, old ATMs are removed and collected and, if the machine itself can be reused, it undergoes maintenance and is put back into use, or even individual parts will be reused in other machines. ATMs which are too old and can no longer be reused are recycled with the help of recycling business operators, thus we achieve a recycling rate of around 100% for ATMs.

Usage of Renewable Materials

Utilization of Forest Stewardship Council (FSCR) Certified Paper

We use FSCR certified paper for the cash envelopes and various leaflets at our ATMs and free copies of the children’s picture book “Mori no Senshi (Guardian of the Forest) Bonolon,” which are supported by Seven Bank. Forest Stewardship Council (FSCR) certified paper is paper made from lumber cut from properly managed forests or other low-risk lumber. Seven Bank will continue to expand the use of environmentally-friendly FSCR certified paper.

Green Procurement Initiative

We have established and are recommending a policy, with regards to the office supplies we use internally as well as printing services, of procuring items with a low environmental burden from suppliers who promote environmental conservation.
In the selection of office supplies and printing services, in addition to the required quality and functionality, we are striving to purchase products and services prioritizing the fulfillment of requirements to reduce environmental burden, such as whether hazardous chemicals are used and whether the relevant item can be used for a long time, reused and recycled in order to realize a circulating society.