Materiality 2

Creation of lifestyle through new financial services

Contributions to SDGs
  • 働きがいも経済成長も
  • 産業と技術革新の基盤をつくろう

By working on this Materiality, Seven Bank will contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 8 and 9 through offering of financial services that are of value for all people by leveraging the touchpoints with its real customers.

Changes in the society and associated issues as seen by Seven Bank

As the society changes and technology evolves, values and lifestyle of customers diversify, requiring financial services that are even closer and more convenient. Seven Bank believes that innovation in financial services that are not influenced by prevailing concepts and equal opportunity is necessary.

Changes in Seven Bank and its approach to the issue

Seven Bank will build new financial services that are not influenced by prevailing concepts while reflecting the diversifying lifestyles and the spread of sharing economy and offer new values conforming to the changes of time in daily life.

Seven Bank's Major Initiatives

New styles of ATM usage

Applications for Individual Number Card Points

Seven Bank ATMs, people can also apply for the 2nd additional Individual Number Card Points on application for the use of Individual Number Card as a health insurance card and the registration of public money receiving account, which started in June 2022.

An Individual Number Card and device equipped with card reader capabilities (such as a smartphone or a personal computer and electronic card reader) are needed in order to apply for Individual Number Card Points. Seven Bank ATMs, however, are equipped to read Individual Number Cards, and have proven to be popular because they can be easily used even by people who have difficulty using a smartphone or personal computer to apply.

Applications to Use an Individual Number Card as a Health Insurance Card

An application is required in order to use an Individual Number Card as a health insurance card. Since March 2021, Seven Bank ATMs have been able to be used to make the required application.

All a user needs to do is to press the “マイナンバーカ ードでの手続き”(Individual Number Card procedures) on the ATM screen and follow the provided on-screen instructions. The application can be completed by entering one’s four-digit Individual Number Card PIN.

Promoting cooperation with new settlement business operators that are opening up new areas of settlement

To further expand the number of our ATM users, we aggressively promoted new partnerships with fund transfer businesses other than just financial institutions as a new business category.

Expanding top-up transactions for transportation-related electronic money

Smartphone ATM services allow customers to deposit and withdraw money without a card, using only their smartphones, by using an app to scan a QR code displayed on the ATM.We are working to offer this service by further increasing our partner companies so that more companies, not only our existing partner companies, but also settlement service providers that do not issue cash cards and/or those who provide settlement through smartphones can make use of Seven Bank ATMs.

Offering “Smartphone ATM transaction service” for cash deposits and withdrawals without using a card

Smartphone ATM services allow customers to deposit and withdraw money without a card, using only their smartphones, by using an app to scan a QR code displayed on the ATM. We are working to offer this service by further increasing our partner companies so that more companies, not only our existing partner companies, but also settlement service providers that do not issue cash cards and/or those who provide settlement through smartphones can make use of Seven Bank ATMs.

"ATM Receipt (cash receipt service)" allows customers to receive cash without having an account

The “ATM Receipt (cash receipt service)” allows customers to receive cash without having an account, meeting the needs of companies making payments to their customers in growing areas like e-commerce and the sharing economy.
After receiving a number by email or other method from the company, the customer can receive the cash at any time by simply entering that number into a Seven Bank ATM. Because the payment does not pass through a bank account, the company does not need to collect and manage customers’ account information, adding a level of convenience for both the company and the customer.

Going forward, Seven Bank will continue to aim to provide new value in people’s daily lives that keeps pace with changes in the new age.

Initiated fund-raising service through ATM

Methods of fund-raising and donation have changed over time. In recent years, as online fund-raising and donation with credit cards and points became possible, they are getting more familiar and convenient. Meanwhile, the number of locations for the easiest fund-raising and donation in cash is decreasing due in part to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Seven Bank started a service for fund-raising through ATMs so that anybody can participate in resolution of environmental and social issues through easy fund-raising and donation in cash. Through Seven Bank ATMs*, it is possible to participate in fund-raising and donation as if you threw cash directly into a “donation box” of a recipient.

Unique Services

"My Seven Bank" App

Seven Bank launched its “My Seven Bank” smartphone app on April 20, 2020. Using the “My Seven Bank” app, a customer can apply to open an account and complete the procedure in as little as 10 minutes.※1Without having to wait for the cash card to arrive, a customer can use the cardless ATM transaction function (“Smartphone ATM transaction service”) to withdraw and deposit cash and use personal loan services.※2The “My Seven Bank” app can also be used for deposit and withdrawal inquiries, inquiries about nanaco※3electronic money balance and points, confirmation of debit service usage details, personal loan service applications, and checking “Small Change Investment App TORANOKO”※4nvestment balances linked to an account.

After opening the account application screen from the “My Seven Bank” app, the customer enters the required items, then completes the personal authentication process by using the smartphone’s camera to photograph and send personal identification documents and a picture of his or her face.

  • ※1 For an application received between 9:00 and 19:00 on business days from a customer possessing a driver’s license issued in Japan. Using the robotic process automation (RPA) functions for account-opening operations of our consolidated subsidiary Bank Business Factory Co., Ltd., the customer can open an account in as little as 10 minutes after the application is received.
  • ※2A designated screening is required for personal loan service applications.
  • ※3Electronic money issued by Seven Card Service Co., Ltd.
  • ※4Service operated by Seven Bank’s equity-method affiliate TORANOTEC Asset Management Ltd.

Launched Seven Bank Post Payment Service

From September 2021, we began to provide the Seven Bank Post Payment Service of “VANDLE CARD,” a Visa prepaid card offered by Kanmu, Inc. The Seven Bank Post Payment Service is provided for external service providers, in which Seven Bank recovers a full amount of claims.

By using know-how on screening and fraud detection, etc. which we have cultivated in banking operations and providing it to external service providers, we are aiming at society where all people can access convenient fi nancial services.

The “real-time money transfer function” supports diversified work styles in terms of finances

In addition to account services, Seven Bank creates new financial services that are not bound by conventional concepts, incorporating elements like responses to lifestyle diversification and the growth of the sharing economy. The “real-time money transfer function” supports the diversification of work styles in terms of finances, allowing companies to make a variety of remittances immediately, in cooperation with an outside service operator like an application programming interface (API) connection. For example, with the diversification of work styles, companies can use an immediate compensation service tied to the real-time money transfer function to pay employees for the work done on a specific day, allowing employees to receive the payment on the same day in the amount they want.