Seven Bank’s Sustainability

Our sustainability commitment

Attitude toward stakeholders

Amid the rapidly changing society, we aim to be a faithful company which is trusted by stakeholders, by constantly grasping expectations for and interest in Seven Bank the stakeholders have, and refl ecting them in corporate activities and decision-making.

Concept of Sustainability

・We value dialogue and consider the customer in everything we do.
・We collaborate with business partners and customers to address social challenges.
・We create social value at every step in our business journey.
・We are mindful of the environmental and social impacts of our actions and all aspects of our business.
・Everyone, from executives to frontline employees, acts on behalf of future generations as self-aware and responsible member of society

Image of Sustainability Promotion

What is SDGs?
The United Nations Summit on Sustainable Development was held at the UN Headquarters in September 2015.
As the outcome document, "Transforming our world : the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" was unanimously adopted by 193 member countries and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted.
The SDGs comprises 17 goals and 169 targets, and is expected to be participated and contributed by companies in order to achieve these goals by 2030.

Basic Sustainability Promotion Policy

The Seven Bank Group defines sustainability as a combination of the following two elements.

Proactively work on solving environmental and social issues through business activities and create values for both environment/society and the company

Fulfill the social responsibilities we should voluntarily carry out as a business that is supported by customers and society and coexists with the environment and society

When promoting sustainability, we aim to contribute to the SDGs by implementing the following policies.。

  • 1.Help create a more livable society through our business
  • 2.Address social challenges through our business so that "no one is left behind"
  • 3.Create inclusive workplaces where everyone can achieve their full potential
  • 4.Be planetary stewards, paying full consideration to the environment
  • 5.Help non-Japanese citizens of Japan be part of their communities through our business
  • 6.Communicate regularly with the public and give back to society as a good corporate citizen

Sustainability promotion structure

Image of Sustainability Promotion

In April 2021, we changed the name of the CSR Environment Committee to the Sustainability Committee. At the same time, in order to incorporate diverse opinions, we invited outside experts to participate as committee members, transforming the committee into one that was more effective. The committee will discuss important matters regarding the promotion of sustainability, as well as evaluate the state of initiatives aimed at the resolution of social issues and environmental problems.

Participation in external initiatives

Seven Bank endorses and participates in various initiatives to advance progress in creating a more sustainable world.

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

Seven Bank supports the final recommendations regarding disclosure of climate-related financial information published by the TCFD, a body created by the Financial Stability Board, and publicly endorsed the recommendations in December 2021. We are taking steps and improving our disclosures following the TCFD framework.


TCFD Consortium

Seven Bank joined the Japan TCFD Consortium in December 2021. Composed of Japanese companies and financial institutions that endorse the TCFD recommendations, the TCFD Consortium is a forum for discussing effective corporate disclosure and measures for using such disclosures to enable better-informed investment decisions by financial institutions and investors.

Financial Behavior Principles for the Formation of a Sustainable Society (PFA21)

Seven Bank signed the Principles for Financial Action for the 21st Century (PFA21) in February 2016. These principles were formulated as action guidelines for Japanese financial institutions wishing to fulfill the responsibilities and roles required of them to create a sustainable society.

Learning environmental and social issues

In FY2021, Seven Bank worked to create opportunities to allow employees to learn various environmental and social issues that have been more complicated so that they can regard such issues as their own problems. In October 2021, a workshop was held for two days, in which participants learned social issues, freely exchanging opinions with lecturers, under nine themes including children poverty issue and diversity. We invited students* as lecturers. President Funatake (at that time) also participated in it, and students and employees discussed social issues, divided into different tables for each theme. The employees were quite stimulated by the students’ high level of awareness and passion. In addition, SDGs seminar was held with outside lecturers for three months from December 2021. Under six themes including disaster prevention, circular economy, and gender issues, the seminar was implemented in a hybrid way of face-to-face and online communication. Total number of employees who participated in the workshop and the seminar was over 180. These events became steps leading to further understanding of environmental and social issues and changes in their behaviors.

  • The students belong to anchor, a general incorporated association.