Management Policy,
Management Environment,
and Issues to be Addressed,etc.

Basic Management Policy

Seven Bank is working to offer safe, accurate, and speedy banking services deeply embedded in customers’ daily lives as their “wallets.”We aim to achieve this by creating a network of ATMs accessible 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, utilizing the 20,000-plus retail locations of Seven & i Holdings and its operating companies (the “Group”) led by Seven-Eleven convenience stores.

The Bank operates under an ethos of coexistence and co-prosperity by encouraging other financial institutions to make use of its easily accessible ATMs, thereby enhancing customer services and improving business efficiency.

Further, by proactively offering financial services sought by customers of the Group, we are working to attract a wider range of customers to the Group stores more often, and we will continue to pursue synergies to enhance the Group profitability.

Code of Conduct

Seven Bank recognizes that banks are highly public in nature and bear an important responsibility to contribute broadly to the economy and society while carrying out their business operations. We are also keenly aware of the importance of complying with laws and regulations and acting in accordance with economic and social ethics. We pledge to work unceasingly to achieve this and we hearby establish this Code of Conduct as a manifestation of our steadfast resolve.

Public Mission and Social Responsibility

We are ever cognizant of the significance of the bank's public mission. We seek to earn the unwavering trust of society by committing ourselves to sound management based on management's own responsibility and fulfilling our social responsibilities.

Customers Come First Put Customers First

We strive to always put ourselves in our customers' shoes and act in good faith. We will ensure the stability and security of the financial infrastructure that supports economic activities and our customers. We will provide high quality financial services that place sufficient attention on adequately protecting our customers' best interests, while adapting to changes in the environment and responding to the diversifying needs of our customers.

Act with integrity and fairness

We will observe both the letter and spirit of laws and regulations and always act in good faith and fairness so as not to violate social norms. We will ensure fairness and transparency in our business relationships and build and maintain sound and proper relationships with government organizations.

Contribute to a Sustainable Society

As a good corporate citizen, we will strive to live in harmony with local and international society, to solve environmental and social problems, and to contribute to building a sustainable society. We will communicate with society at large, including fair and active dislosure of management information, strive to understand the expectations and demands of stakeholders, and improve our corporate value.

Respect Human Rights

We comply with international standards on human rights and educate directors, officers, and employees to improve their understanding and awareness. We prohibit discriminatory treatment and endeavor to offer equal employment opportunities. Furthermore, we monitor our business partners so that business is done in a way that respects human rights. We do not permit any form of child labor, forced labor, or disciplinary punishment.

Respect Diversity and Improve Job Satisfaction

We foster skills and support career formation while respecting the diversity and individuality of directors, officers, and employees. We operate without prejudice, based on fair and impartial standards, with regard to personnel changes, promotions, evaluations, and treatment, to create a vibrant work environment that fosters a sense of job satisfaction. We ensure a pleasant working environment, taking employees' health and safety into consideration.

Prohibit Relationships with Antisocial Forces, Respond to Terrorism and Other Threats

We take a firm stance against antisocial forces that threaten the order and security of civil society and will have no relationships with such. We thoroughly implement measures against money laundering, terrorist financing, cyber attacks, financial crimes, and other threats, and fulfill our duty as a bank.

Management Environment and Issues to Be Addressed

Management Issues

The business environment surrounding the Bank’s group is undergoing unprecedented changes at an accelerating pace, including those in lifestyle due to the impact of the spread of COVID-19, heightened awareness of environmental and social issues, diversification of payment methods due to the development of digital technology, and the entry into the financial sector of businesses from other industries. There is a need for flexible management that is more than ever sensitive to changes in social structure and diversification of customer needs, rapidly incorporating the results of technological innovation.
In addition, social issues such as widening disparities and climate change are becoming more apparent and serious, leading to an era when businesses, as members of society, are required to face these issues more sincerely than ever before to seek solutions.

Issues to Be Addressed

“Create a better version of daily life by going beyond the wishes of our customers.” This is the purpose of the Group. Based on this purpose, Seven Bank will strive to achieve sustainable growth as a unique bank that is close to customers’ lives, offering convenience, reliability and trust. We have formulated the Medium-Term Management Plan (FY2021 – FY2025), designating the five years through 2025 as a period to materialize the second phase of growth by improving our sustainability and growth potential. Under the Medium-Term Management Plan, we will promote the following three basic measures.

Basic Measures

  • 1. Reform of the Group’s core ATM platform business and business diversification in strategic business fields through aggressive investment.
  • 2. Setting sustainability at the core of its long-term management strategy, the Group will contribute to addressing serious and emerging social issues through its business activities and continuously promote the creation of new value for both society and businesses.
  • 3. Promotion of corporate transformation in both businesses and operations as driving forces for sustainable growth.

Domestic Business Segment

1. ATM Platform Strategy
  • The ATM cash-based platform business, which has been the Bank’s core business thus far, is now at a major turning point. With the acceleration of cashless payments, cash deposit and withdrawal transactions with financial institutions have continued to decline, but on the other hand, cash charge transactions with QR code settlement companies have increased significantly. As a result, the Bank’s number of ATM transactions has increased, exceeding the average number of ATM transactions before the spread of COVID-19 (the year before last year).
    Analyzing such usage trends, it appears that there is still a strong need for cash transactions in Japan. Recognizing that changes in the settlement environment are opportunities for new ATM services, the Bank will continue its efforts to provide customers with secure and convenient services.
  • The installation of fourth-generation ATMs began in September 2019, and due to progress with replacement, the number of fourth-generation ATMs has reached 40% of the total number of ATMs.
    Utilizing the newly implemented functions (personal authentication function, scanning function, etc.) of the fourth-generation ATM, the Bank will develop new ATM services that go beyond cash transactions in the fields of administration, medical care, financial services, etc.
2. Retail Strategy
  • In the financial retail field, in addition to conventional financial institutions, various companies, such as Fintech companies, are appearing and competition is intensifying. The Bank will strengthen cooperation with the Seven & i Group and expand its efforts to develop and provide exceptional financial products unique to a bank that originated in a distribution group.
3. Corporate Strategy
  • The Bank has strived to expand the services provided to financial institutions and general businesses regarding bank-quality administrative skills, safe and secure fund management/fund transfer mechanisms, and high-security technologies including authentication that are the Bank’s strengths accumulated since its founding. In recent years, the Bank has quickly adopted the evolving DX technology, and aims to expand the scale of business through collaboration with external companies.

Overseas Business Segment

Overseas Strategy
  • FCTI, Inc., the Bank’s consolidated subsidiary in the United States, is still in the process of recovering the number of transactions affected by the prolonged effects of COVID-19, but the reorganization of ATMs with low profitability has progressed and the Bank has achieved a financial structure that can secure stable profits. On the other hand, despite concerns about an increase in procurement costs due to the expected rise in U.S. interest rates in the future, the Bank will take measures to minimize the impact on the market interest rate by stopping cost increases utilizing financial derivatives and formulating measures for cash reduction in ATMs. At the same time, the Bank will provide new financial services utilizing an ATM network of approximately 9,000 ATMs.
  • In Asia, the Bank is developing ATM services in two countries, Indonesia and the Philippines, and accelerating the expansion of the number of ATMs installed. In both countries, high demand is expected to continue as there are not enough ATMs installed that users need in their daily lives. The Bank will promote the development of ATM networks in both countries and then, using ATMs as an introduction, strive to bring about multi-layered financial services.
〈Realization of a Sustainable Society〉

The Bank’s group positioned sustainability as the basis for its long-term management strategy and established the “Basic Sustainability Promotion Policy” and the “Sustainability Committee” in 2021 to review the group-wide promotion structure. With the “Five Material Issues*” established in fiscal 2019, the Bank will further develop its initiatives with the aim of solving environmental and social issues through business activities and strengthening business competitiveness at the same time.

Note: Five Material Issues

  • Offer a safe, secure settlement infrastructure
  • Create a lifestyle through new financial services
  • Create a society where everyone can be active
  • Reduce the environmental burden
  • Realize multicultural symbiosis

The environment surrounding the Bank’s group is changing dramatically.
The group’s stance of always listening to and responding to the thoughts of customers, which the group has valued since its establishment, will not change.
The Bank’s group will continue to take on the challenge of creating original and new value as a unique bank that succeeds in being close-by, convenient, reliable and secure.