Corporate Bond and Rating Information

Details of Corporate Bond

As of March 31, 2023
(Billion yen)

Name Issue date Total amount of issues Unredeemed balance Interest rate Redemption date
The 11th series unsecured straight corporate bond 2014.12.17 15 15 0.536% 2024.12.20
The 12th series unsecured straight corporate bond 2017.10.20 30 30 0.390% 2027.9.17
The 13th series unsecured straight corporate bond 2019.1.25 20 20 0.160% 2023.12.20
The 14th series unsecured straight corporate bond 2019.1.25 20 20 0.385% 2028.12.20


S&P Global Ratings (S&P)

As of March 31, 2023

Long-term counterparty issuer rating Short-term counterparty issuer rating
A(Stable) A-1

S & P Global Rating (Rating Definitions and Standards)
(Link to S & P Global Rating's website)

Rating & Investment Information, Inc. (R&I)

As of March 31, 2023

Issuer Rating Outlook
AA- Stable

Rating and Investment Information, Inc. (List of ratings)
(Link to Rating and Investment Information, Inc.'s website)