Compliance Initiatives

The Bank regards compliance with applicable laws and societal norms as a fundamental prerequisite to earning the trust of society. Aware of the importance of its public mission and the significance of its societal responsibilities, the Bank has developed the following initiatives to ensure compliance.

Compliance Systems

In order to allow each employee in charge of real operations to have strong awareness of and knowledge base for pursing compliance, Seven Bank has in place the following system so that the compliance check can appropriately function at each division to ensure the thorough compliance across the Bank.

Compliance Committee

Seven Bank has established Compliance Committee as an advisory organization to the Executive Committee which confirms and verifies the status of compliance related to operations in general, and considers measures concerning compliance, so as to further enhance and improve the compliance system. The Compliance Committee has functions to consider responses to compliance-related problems and issues, material compliance violations, etc., and countermeasures therefor. The Committee reports, considers, and evaluates important compliance-related matters which should be treated as management issues.

Major Agendas of Compliance Committee in FY2021

  • 1. Results and plans of compliance program
  • 2. Operation of the compliance consultation system
  • 3. Revision of Compliance Manual
  • 4. Responses to financial crimes and antisocial groups
  • 5. Future management structure including customer protection
  • 6. Seven Bank’s Measures based on results of FATA Mutual-Evaluation Report of Japan

Compliance Program

The Bank establishes a compliance program each fiscal year that sets out the compliance implementation plan for that year. The Board of Directors reviews and evaluates the progress and implementation status of the compliance program for the relevant year and, using such reviews and evaluations, formulates a compliance program for the following fiscal year.

Items Issues/Policies
Information Management 
  • 1. Appropriate information management in light of the revision of Act on the Protection of Personal Information
Anti-Money Laundering
・The Act for Prevention of Transfer of Criminal Proceeds
・Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act
  • 1. Establishment of Seven Bank Group Management Structure
  • 2. Continuous enhancement of customer management structure
  • 3. Provision of training and education for Officers and employees
  • 4. Conducting audit on a regular basis
Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)
  • 1. Accurate performance of FATCA annual report

Main Compliance Issues

Prevention of Money Laundering and Financial Crimes, and Measures against Antisocial Groups

Seven Bank determined the policy for countermeasures for money laundering and provision of terrorist fund. In addition, through strict confirmation at transactions, etc., the Bank has put emphasis on eliminating relationships with antisocial groups and preventing fraudulent accounts from being opened.
To be more specific, among other steps, the Bank asks applicants opening accounts to sign an affidavit stating they are not associated with antisocial forces. By including provisions that explicitly indicate the exclusion of organized crime groups in the transaction rules and other clauses, the Bank can reject the account application and close the account upon finding that the customer falls under or is associated with antisocial forces.
In addition, the Bank has established a structure to ensure it can take appropriate actions in an organized manner against wrongful demands and other similar events in accordance with internal rules and regulations. Moreover, the Financial Crime Risk Strategy Planning and Prevention Division, a dedicated unit to combat financial crimes, prevents money laundering, eliminates fraudulent accounts, prevents communications fraud and other fraudulent activities, and appropriately cooperates with the police and other investigating authorities, by monitoring and filtering transactions.

Response to the Revised Act on the Protection of Personal Information

The Amendment Act of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, etc. (Revised Act on the Protection of Personal Information) was fully enforced on April 1, 2022.
With the aim of protecting customers’ rights and benefits, Seven Bank has confirmed handling of personal information and present status of the management systems again. The Bank also revised internal rules including the personal information management regulations and the privacy policy, and enhanced information management and security with systems.
To increase awareness of the protection of personal information, training has been provided to employees and Officers.

Compliance Consultation System

The Bank has established a Compliance Consultation System to identify and address compliance issues early, and prevent reoccurrences. The system provides contact points for both internal and external consultation and reporting.
As contact points for employees seeking consultations or reporting issues, employees can consult the compliance officer in their divisions. In addition, the Compliance Consultation Desk within the Bank and the Groupwide Help Line (a consultation and reporting contact point for all Seven & i Group companies) outside the Bank have been established. Posters with contact information have been put up and booklets with contact information have been distributed to all employees to ensure their awareness of these contact points. The International Hotline has also been established for employees of foreign subsidiaries as a point of contact for consultations in local languages.
In addition, to promote fair transactions and provide safe and secure services for customers, a Suppliers’ Help Line (a consultation and reporting contact point for all Seven & i Group companies) has been established for suppliers.