We will answer questions about the Debit Card

How is the Debit Card different to credit payments?

Debit Card payments are withdrawn from your account every time you use the card.
So you can manage the amount of money you use in real time.
Interest and fees are also not incurred.

Use ¥3,000
¥3,000 is withdrawn

Withdraw from your account balance

Do I need to deposit money before I use the Debit Card?

As money is withdrawn from your account every time you use the Debit Card, you need to deposit money in advance.
Deposit money using a Seven Bank ATM or transfer money from another bank in Japan.

  • Depositing money via a Seven Bank ATM is free from transaction fees 24/7/365
How do I use the Debit Card at a store?

When you pay, say "Single installment with JCB"as you would when using a credit card.
You can pay quickly without the need of coins!

I never have the opportunity to use the Debit Card…

You can use the Debit Card to easily pay small amounts at JCB merchant convenience stores, restaurants, and other places.
The opportunity to use the Debit Card for online shopping is also increasing recently!

Is it really a good deal?

The Seven Bank Debit Card is free to get and to use.
You will also earn nanaco points every time you use the Debit Card.

Shop with your cash card

You also earn nanaco points

A new service is born!

You need a Seven Bank Account to apply for the Debit Card Service.