Using Your Debit Card with Peace of Mind (Members’ Website, MyJCB)


On MyJCB, a website only for JCB members, you can change various settings and check your debit card statements.

You can jump to the MyJCB website from the Seven Bank Direct Banking Service website.

  • iThe Direct Banking Service is available only to Seven Bank Account holders.
    In order to use MyJCB, you need to register for the Direct Banking Service.
MyJCB logo

Services available

  • Check the JCB debit card statements
  • Check and change the JCB debit card limit
  • Receive a JCB debit card PIN notification
  • Use other services (e.g., change your MyJCB ID and password, request leaflets, and register for campaigns)

Check debit card statements

Check with MyJCB

Enlarge image

Change debit card limit

In order for customers to safely use the debit card service, a limit is set, limiting any damage in the event of unauthorized use by a third party.

Debit limits

Default amount Maximum settable limit
Shopping Japan


500,000 yen

2 mil. yen

One day

500,000 yen

2 mil. yen

One month

500,000 yen

2 mil. yen



500,000 yen

2 mil. yen

One day

500,000 yen

2 mil. yen

One month

500,000 yen

2 mil. yen

Withdrawal of local currency overseas


100,000 yen

100,000 yen

One day

100,000 yen

100,000 yen

One month

500,000 yen

2 mil. yen

You can check and change your limit on MyJCB. You can use MyJCB from the Direct Banking Service.

  • MyJCB is available in Japanese (including emails and notifications).

Request debit card PIN notification

If you have forgotten you debit card PIN, please request a debit card PIN Notification via MyJCB. You can access the MyJCB website from the Direct Banking Service website.

  • iIf you forgot your cash card PIN, the procedure to issue a new PIN differs from the procedure above.
    For details, click here
  • iMyJCB is available in Japanese (including emails and notifications).

Use J/Secure Service

J/Secure is a service for authenticating the identity of customers by having them enter their registered passwords as necessary when they use JCB cards in shopping online at J/Secure member merchants and using additional customer information (e.g., information on the devices used) for the purpose of authentication. To prevent illegal use of your JCB card by a third party, please register with J/Secure.

J/Secure Service is available at member merchants posting the logo shown on the left.

  • Some merchants may not post this logo.
  • The number of J/Secure member merchants is increasing.

How to register with J/Secure

To register, access the MyJCB website via the Direct Banking Service.
You can register and use J/Secure free of charge.

Flow of use of J/Secure at member merchants

  1. STEP1

    Shop online.

  2. STEP2

    Enter your card information (e.g., debit card number, expiry date).

  3. STEP3

    A password entry screen will be displayed.

    • A password entry screen will not be displayed if authentication by password is judged to be unnecessary based on your online transaction information and device information.
  4. STEP4

    Check whether the personal message*1 displayed on the password entry screen is identical to the one you registered, and enter "J/Secure password"*2 and click "Send."

    • *1For more information about the personal message, click here.Open in new windows
    • *2Your J/Secure password is the same as your MyJCB password that you use when using MyJCB. You can change the password on the MyJCB website.

Fraud detection analysis

After receiving your request for authentication by J/Secure, Seven Bank will provide your device information and online transaction information to the fraud detection service provider (ThreatMetrix) to conduct fraud detection analysis.
ThreatMetrix will store the information used for analysis for a certain period of time after converting that information into a format from which your identity cannot be directly recognized, and will use the converted information in conducting fraud detection analysis for other organizations.

  • Device information
    Information concerning a PC, smartphone, tablet or any other device you used upon conducting an online transaction
  • Online transaction information
    Transaction information including your name, email address, telephone number, address for the delivery of the purchased goods, and address for the delivery of the invoice, which you entered on the purchase screen, etc. at the member store

For more information about J/Secure and fraud detection analysis, click here.Open in new windows

You need a Seven Bank Account to apply for the Debit Card Service.

Customers who have a Seven Bank Account
(Change to the Cash Card with Debit Card Service)

Customers who do not have a Seven Bank Account