Cash card lost or stolen

If you lost your Cash Card with Debit Card Service or it was stolen, immediately perform the procedure below.

Procedure from the Direct Banking Service

Perform the procedure to reissue a card that was lost or stolen from the Direct Banking Service.
Your card will be cancelled as soon as you complete the procedure.

Perform the procedure by phone

Seven Bank Contact Center
Service Hours: Mon to Sat 9:00~18:00
(Except Sundays, National Holidays and 12/31~1/3)

0120-937-711 (Toll free)

03-5610-7791 (Charged)

  • Requests for suspension of account or the like due to a lost or stolen card are accepted 24 hours a day.
  • iIf you request that your Cash Card with Debit Card Service be reissued in the event that you lose it or it is stolen, you cannot use it again even if you find it later.
  • iIf your cash card is reissued, your card will have new debit card and nanaco numbers (only for a nanaco integrated card).
    Furthermore, after your Cash Card with Debit Card Service is reissued, the new card will not automatically inherit your nanaco balance.
  • iTo cancel electronic money nanaco or inherit your balance, contact the nanaco inquiries center(Japanese)Open in new window