Loan Service: Repayment

In addition to the monthly repayment (scheduled repayment), early repayment (optional repayment at any time) can also be made.

  • iThere are no repayment related charges for making repayment on a specific day or time.

Monthly Repayment (Scheduled Repayment)

Your monthly repayment will be automatically withdrawn from your Seven Bank account (ordinary deposit) at a fixed amount depending on the borrowing limit.

Borrowing limit Monthly repayment (scheduled repayment)
100,000 yen 5,000 yen in principle
300,000 yen or 500,000 yen 10,000 yen in principle
700,000 yen or 1,000,000 yen 15,000 yen in principle
1,500,000 yen 20,000 yen in principle
2,000,000 yen 30,000 yen in principle
2,500,000 yen 35,000 yen in principle
3,000,000 yen 40,000 yen in principle
Email Notification About Repayment
[Examples when the customer is notified about transactions or procedures]

Notifications for repayment confirmation, planned repayment date, scheduled repayment, etc.

  • iWhen receiving the above emails, you may need to enable notification emails in the Direct Banking Service.
  • iIf you have setting restrictions on your email account such as domain designation for preventing junk mail, you will not be able to receive notification emails from Seven Bank. Change the settings so that you can receive emails from Seven Bank.
    Use the domain "" when configuring the domain settings.

Convenient service for monthly loan payment

Monthly Auto-Deposit Service

  • Monthly Auto-deposit service is a free service that automatically deposits money to your Seven Bank account on a monthly basis. Money is automatically withdrawn from your other account at another financial institution/bank.
    You can repay a loan conveniently, with no fees and no cumbersome procedures.

Early Repayment (Optional Repayment)

As a general rule, repayment can be made at any time, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year via the Direct Banking Service or at a Seven Bank ATM.

Time repayment can be made Ways for repayment Repayment denomination
Seven Bank ATM (Japanese Only)*1 As a general rule, repayment is possible 24 hours a day, 365 days a year Cash (Using a cash card *2) 1,000 yen
Transfer from Seven Bank account (Ordinary deposit) 1 yen
Direct Banking*3 Transfer from ordinary deposit account 1 yen
  • iEarly repayment cannot be made when the monthly repayment is past due. We apologize for the inconvenience, but you need to make a deposit into your Seven Bank account for the amount that is past due in order to make an early repayment.
  • *1When the amount of repayment exceeds the total of the outstanding borrowing amount plus interest, the excess amount will be transferred into your Seven Bank account (ordinary deposit).
    Repayment can only be made at a Seven Bank ATM.
  • *2The PIN for Loan Service transactions is the same as your cash card PIN used for ordinary deposit transactions.

Partial Repayment or Repayment of the Entire Amount can be selected for Early Repayment.

Partial repayment

If partial repayment is selected, then only repayment for the outstanding borrowing amount can be made, and the interest cannot be repaid.

  • Note that monthly repayments are due regardless of the repayment amount.
  • The interest that incurred up to the repayment date cannot be repaid even if repayment is made for the entire outstanding borrowing amount.
    Please note that a separate debit is automatically made on the next monthly repayment date.

Repayment of the entire amount

If repayment of the entire amount is selected, then the repayment amount must cover the outstanding borrowing amount plus the interest.