Loan Service Outline


(As of July 18, 2022)

Product Name

Loan Service
(Choices of borrowing limits: ¥100,000-, ¥300,000-, ¥500,000-, ¥700,000-, ¥1,000,000-, ¥1,500,000-, ¥2,000,000-, ¥2,500,000-, or ¥3,000,000- limit card loan)

Eligible Customers

Limited to individual customers who satisfy all of the following conditions:

  • (1)Holding a Seven Bank Account
  • (2)Having reached the age of 20 or older but not exceeding the age of 70, when concluding the loan agreement
  • (3)Meeting the predetermined examination criteria and determined eligible to receive a guarantee provided by the designated guarantee company (Acom Co., Ltd.)
  • (4)If the customer is a foreign national, having the status of permanent resident in Japan
  • We accept applications for an increase of the borrowing limit only from customers with at least six months of transaction records after the initial borrowing.

Intended Use of Borrowed Money

Unlimited (but not allowed to use as business funds)

Borrowing Limit

¥100,000, ¥300,000, ¥500,000, ¥700,000, ¥1,000,000, ¥1,500,000, ¥2,000,000, ¥2,500,000, ¥3,000,000:

  • We determine the borrowing limit for each applicant based on the results of the examination.

Loan Period

One year (from the date of the loan agreement to the last day of the calendar month to which the first anniversary date belongs)

  • The loan period may be automatically renewed pursuant to the Loan Service Terms and Conditions.
    (No additional loan is available on and after the 1st day of the month following the month in which the customer reaches the age of 71.)

Loan Interest Rate

The applicable interest rates designated by the Bank are posted on the Bank’s website.

  • Loan interest rates are floating interest rates and may be revised from time to time, according to changes in financial conditions, pursuant to the Loan Service Terms and Conditions.
  • If the interest rate is revised, the new interest rate will become effective on the immediately subsequent monthly repayment date (as per the agreed repayment schedule).
  • If the loan interest rate is changed along with the change of the borrowing limit, the new loan interest rate shall apply from the date of contract for the change of the borrowing limit.

Interest Calculation

Interest accrues on the daily ending loan balance, which is calculated for each 100-yen portion of the said balance on a daily pro rata basis of a 365-day year.

Borrowing Method

Seven Bank ATM

A loan can be borrowed in cash by use of the Seven Bank cash card at a Seven Bank ATM or the Bank's prescribed smartphone application.

  • Each loan must be a minimum of ¥1,000 and in 1,000-yen units.
  • The maximum amount that can be borrowed will be an amount within the daily ATM withdrawal limit.
  • Borrowings are unavailable through any ATM other than Seven Bank ATMs.
Direct Banking Service

A loan can be borrowed by account transfer to the borrower’s ordinary deposit through the direct banking service.

  • Borrowings through direct banking are available for a loan amount of ¥1 or more in one-yen units.

Monthly Repayment (Scheduled Repayment)

Interest Payment

On the scheduled repayment date of each month, the interest accrued will be incorporated into the new loan balance.

Monthly Repayment Date
(Scheduled Repayment Date)

The 27th day of each calendar month

  • If any repayment date falls on Saturday, Sunday, a national holiday, or other statutory non-business day for banks, the immediately following business day is the repayment date.
  • If a customer having no outstanding loans borrows a loan from the Bank, the borrower’s repayments will start from the second monthly repayment date, as the interest due and payable on the first monthly repayment date will be incorporated into the relevant balance on that day instead of being repaid. However, if an additional loan is borrowed on any monthly repayment date, the repayments of such additional loans will start from its first monthly repayment date.
  • The day specified for a monthly repayment date may not be changed.
  • If a customer fails to make any monthly repayment, no additional borrowing will be allowed until the payment of all overdue amounts is completely performed.
Monthly Repayment Method/Repayment Amount

On each monthly repayment date, the amount specified as follows is automatically debited from the borrower’s ordinary deposit.
<Amount to be repaid on each monthly repayment date>

  • (1)¥5,000, in case of a ¥100,000-limit loan, ¥10,000, in case of a ¥300,000- or ¥500,000-limit loan, ¥15,000, in case of a ¥700,000- or ¥1,000,000-limit loan, ¥20,000, in case of a ¥1.500,000-limit loan, ¥30,000, in case of a ¥2,000,000-limit loan, ¥35,000, in case of a ¥2,500,000-limit loan, or ¥40,000, in case of a ¥3,000,000-limit loan.
  • (2)If the amount of either <1>or <2>below is less than the amount of (1) above, the amount to be repaid will be the amount of<1>or<2>, whichever is the lower.
  • <1>Loan balance as of the close of the immediately preceding monthly repayment date
  • <2>Sum of the loan balance as of the close of the day immediately preceding the current monthly repayment date and interest accrued thereon
  • The amount to be repaid is automatically debited on each monthly repayment date, after the interest accrued up to the day immediately preceding the repayment date is incorporated into the loan balance.
  • If the ordinary deposit balance falls below the monthly repayment amount, there will be no such automatic debits on the repayment date, resulting in a delay in performance.

Unscheduled Repayment (Voluntary Repayment)

Seven Bank ATM

In addition to scheduled repayments, outstanding loans can be repaid at any time through use of the borrower’s Seven Bank cash card at a Seven Bank ATM, either in cash depositing or by way of account transfer from the borrower’s ordinary deposit. Unscheduled repayment can also be made in cash at a Seven Bank ATM by using the Bank's prescribed smartphone application.

  • A repayment is allowed either in the form of a lump-sum payment of all outstanding loans and accrued interest or as a partial repayment.
  • When making a repayment in cash, the amount repaid must be an integral multiple of ¥1,000.
  • A repayment by account transfer is allowed for a minimum of ¥1 and in one-yen units.
  • If an amount exceeding the sum of the loan balance and accrued interest has been repaid, the excess amount will be returned to the borrower’s ordinary deposit by account transfer.
  • If any outstanding loan remains even after a voluntary repayment, the borrower must continue to make his/her monthly scheduled repayments.
  • While any monthly scheduled repayment remains overdue, no unscheduled repayments are allowed.
Direct Banking Service

In addition to scheduled repayments, outstanding loans can be repaid at any time by way of account transfer from the borrower’s ordinary deposit through the direct banking service.

  • A repayment may be made either in the form of a lump-sum payment of all outstanding loans and accrued interest or as a partial repayment.
  • A repayment by account transfer is allowed for a minimum of ¥1 and in one-yen units.
  • If any outstanding loan remains even after the borrower makes a voluntary repayment, the borrower must continue to make his/her monthly scheduled repayments.
  • While any monthly scheduled repayment remains overdue, no unscheduled repayments are allowed.

Default Interest

Not required

Collateral Security, Guarantor

Not required

  • Borrowers do not need to arrange collateral security or guarantors by themselves, since Acom Co., Ltd. will provide a guarantee for the Bank’s loan service.
  • Guarantee fees are included in the Bank’s loan interest.

Fees and Charges

Free of charge

Other Helpful Information

  • An application for the loan service must be made through the direct banking service.
  • An applicant for the loan service will be examined by the Bank and the guarantor respectively. Such an application may be rejected as a result of the examination. Applicants acknowledge that the Bank is unable to respond to any inquiries regarding details of such examinations.
  • If a borrower’s monthly scheduled repayment is overdue, the borrower cannot borrow an additional loan or make any voluntary repayment unless and until such overdue obligations are performed by placing sufficient funds in the borrower’s ordinary deposit.
  • Loan balances are available for viewing on Seven Bank ATM screens or through the direct banking service.
  • Loan transaction details are available for viewing through the direct banking service.
  • The Bank recommends that, in utilizing the Bank’s loan service, you make well-planned borrowings by taking into consideration the burden of monthly repayments.

Designated Dispute Resolution Organization

Japanese Bankers Association
Customer Relations Center

0570-017109 or 03-5252-3772
Service days:
Monday to Friday (excluding national holidays and non-business days for banks)
Service hours:
9:00 to 17:00
  • The above is an English translation of the Japanese version, prepared merely for the customers' convenience. If there is any inconsistency between the two, the Japanese version shall prevail.