Cash Cards

Here you will find information about Seven Bank Account cash cards.

  • iInformation provided here also applies to cash cards with designs different from those below (excluding former IY Bank cash cards).

Cash Card without Debit Card Service

Seven Bank Logo

Seven Bank Logo

Bonolon Cash Card

Bonolon Cash Card
See Cash Card Details

Girl’s Card

Girl’s Card
See Cash Card Details

Cash Card with Debit Card Service ( w/ nanaco)

Standard Card

Standard Card

Bonolon Cash Card

Bonolon Cash Card

Traditional Card

Traditional Card

Information Found on Cash Cards

Without Debit

Front Side

Bank Code  Branch Number  Account Number  Issuance Date

Back Side

Branch Name  Customer ID  Confirmation Number

With Debit

Front Side

Front Side

Back Side

Back Side
Branch Name Required for transactions such as Domestic Money Transfers.Seven Bank uses flower names for its branch names.
Customer ID
  • For customers who have Cash Card with Debit Card Service, Customer ID and Confirmation numbers can be found on the back side of your Direct Banking Card (issued separately).
This is a number necessary to verify the identity of the customers when re-setting the logon ID or re-issuing the temporary PIN. Please note that this number is different from your account number.
Confirmation Number
  • For customers who have Cash Card with Debit Card Service, Customer ID and Confirmation numbers can be found on the back side of your Direct Banking Card (issued separately).
This number is required to conduct transactions, make changes, and perform other such actions through the Direct Banking Service.
Your confirmation number (4 digits) is a combination of two of the numbers under あ through こ in the table. You will be informed of the combination when performing a transaction.
Also Usable at Non-Seven Bank ATMs

You can use the ATMs of the following banks:

  • Japan Post Bank
  • MUFG Bank
  • Resona Bank
  • Saitama Resona Bank
  • Sumitomo Mitsui Bank
  • Mizuho Bank
For Lost and Stolen Cash Cards

If you notice that you have lost your cash card, follow either of the necessary procedures below for suspension of use immediately. We will immediately suspend cash card withdrawals and transactions using our Direct Banking Service.

Suspend Cash Card Use through the Direct Banking Service
Logon to the Direct Banking Service and suspend the use of your cash card by going to "Customer Service."

Contact the Contact Center
Contact Center (Japanese) 0088-21-1189 (Toll Free)
Contact Center (English) 0120-937-711 (Toll Free)

Getting a Cash Card Reissued

You can request a reissuance of a cash card from "Customer Service" in the Direct Banking Service.

  • iFor situations that include the cash card being lost, a 1,100 Yen fee (including consumption tax, etc.) will apply and will be debited from your account when the cash card is reissued.
  • iThe design of the reissued Cash Card will be the same as the one you have now (e.g. Seven Bank Logo, Bonolon Cash Card, Girl’s Card, excluding past design). Note that the customer, who has a design card such as Bonolon Cash Card or Girl’s Card, will receive a reissued card with current design.
Get a New Cash Card Design

Please contact the Contact Center if you wish to change your cash card design.

  • iPlease note that you can not change the design of your Cash Card with Debit Service.
  • iFor situations that include design changes, a 1,100 Yen fee (including consumption tax, etc.) will apply and will be debited from your account when the cash card is reissued.
Family Card

As of Friday, March 19, 2021, we have discontinued the issuance of new family cards.
We will continue to accept requests for reissuance (for a fee) of family cards due to loss or theft.

[Products and Services Not Available to Family Card Holders]

  • Time Deposit, Debit Service, Loan Services, International Money Transfer Service
  • Internet Banking
  • iFamily cards can be used at Seven Bank ATMs to conduct transactions such as "Withdrawals," "Deposits," "Domestic Money Transfers," and "Balance Inquiries" for Ordinary Deposit, as well as "Changing Family Card PINs" etc.
For Customers with a Former IY Bank Cash Card

Former IY Bank cash cards can be used at all Seven Bank ATMs to conduct non-IC card transactions. Usage limits are the same as those for "non-IC card transactions" with Seven Bank cash cards.
Daily Transaction Limits

All Seven Bank IC cash cards contain IC chips.
The IC (integrated circuit) chips embedded in IC cards make them difficult to counterfeit.

Customers who have yet to switch to a Seven Bank IC cash card from a former IY Bank cash card may do so free of charge. We recommend you take this opportunity due to the anti-counterfeiting technology and other additional security of Seven Bank IC cash cards.


How to Switch to a Seven Bank IC Cash Card

You can switch to (reissue) an IC cash card using either of the methods below.

Switch Using the Direct Banking Service

Logon to Direct Banking Service and click on "Reissuance of Cash Card (Switch to IC Card)" from "Customer Service."

Contact the Contact Center

Contact Center (Japanese) 0088-21-1189 (Toll Free)
Contact Center(English) 0120-937-711 (Toll Free)

  • Please note that bending, subjecting to forceful impact, scratching, or storing the card in a hot or humid location, or placing the card near a mobile phone, TV, or other magnetized device may render the card unusable.
  • Please do not lend or give the card to anyone. Only the person whose name is on the card may use it.