February 15, 2021
Updated July 27, 2022

Important Notice

[Important]Submission Request for Photocopy of Residence Card

We request our customers with foreign nationalities to submit photocopies of their residence cards or similar documents.
If you do not make a submission or your period of stay expires before you make a submission, we may restrict your transactions or terminate your account.

  • We take this measure based on Article 22, Paragraph 6 of the Seven Bank Banking Terms and Conditions.
  • How to submit

As part of our measures against money laundering and terrorist financing, we request our customers with foreign nationalities to submit photocopies of their residence cards.
Starting from March 2021, we will send a notice by post to customers who already have Seven Bank accounts. If you receive the notice, please submit your residence card by any of the methods described therein. If you have a special permanent resident certificate, please submit its photocopy instead of your residence card.